The teachers, students and non-teaching staff of the college can enroll themselves as members of the library by filling the membership form available in the library. The detail of the membership for the session 2024-25 is as under:
Category of Member No of Members
Student UG Students =1980
PG Students = 77
Teacher 45
Non Teaching Employees 25
Special Member 0
Total 2127
The library collection, facilities & services are primarily intended for the staff and students of the college. Others can use the library only with the special permission of the principal by paying nominal fee. Special membership form is available at the help desk of the library.
Loan Privileges
The bonafide members can borrow books from the library. The number of books a borrower can take and the period for which he/she can retain these is as follows:
Category of Members No. of Books to be Issued Maximum period of loan
Students 3 15 days
Teaching Staff 5 30 days
Non Teaching Staff 5 14 days
Special Members 2 7 days
The library has started book bank facility for the needy but intelligent students. The students, who do not have capacity to purchase the books, can issue books from the library for the whole session. The students can avail this facility by filling the book bank membership form available in the library. The requester has to pay Rs. 500/- as a security which will be refunded after returning the books